About Me



My name is Roman. I am a software engineer. I started this website to share some of my professional experience in software engineering, interesting books, and lifestyle events. I like high-load systems, domain-driven design, clean code, refactoring, asynchronous programming, and generally everything about creating software. My professional credo – “Done, when done well”. I like to make things work smart and comprehensive way, at the same time being simple, clear, and well-structured.

My Experience

  • I am a software engineer with 14 years of commercial experience.
  • I specialize in engineering backend applications and reusable libraries and frameworks.
  • I found and lead ETS Labs. This is an engineering organization that specializes in creating Python software.
  • I created the Dependency Injector. It’s a dependency injection framework for Python. It has become one of the most popular Python dependency injection frameworks.
  • I mentor other software engineers helping to promote their careers, structure the knowledge, and develop new skills. My partner and I created MentorBot. It’s a Telegram bot that helps software engineers to find mentors.
  • I use Python as the main programming language. I also have some experience with Cython and C. I also used PHP and Javascript at the beginning of my software engineering career.
  • I have experience in technical leading software engineering cross-functional teams for international product and service companies, as well as experience working in a startup as a first backend engineer.
  • I worked as a technical interviewer and help companies to hire Python software engineers. I have conducted over 250 technical interviews.
  • I like to read books about software engineering. My favorite authors are Martin Fowler, Kent Beck, Steve McConnell, Robert C. Martin, and other known experts in the field of software design.

My Career

I’ve been fond of software engineering since my school years. I played a lot with Pascal, C, and C++ at that time. The first programming language that I have learnt professionally was JavaScript. This gave me enough knowledge for the development of a web browser game where you need to fight against a computer opponent. It was a lovely time and I was so happy with making all these animations on the previously static web page. Later I found that you can not create server code using JavaScript (there was no NodeJS at that time) and it was very disappointing. The funny thing there is that I learned the term “server” by having a very practical purpose of adding a multiplayer for my small JavaScript game.

In 2005 I’ve started my first year at the university. It was a state technical university, the faculty of electronics and computer science. In parallel, I found a part-time job in a local company that designed and manufactured electronic security hardware for the CIS automotive industry. This job was a very good practice of what I studied in the university – I had a chance to get production experience with soldering iron, oscillographs, a lot of specific electronic components, PIC microcontrollers, etc.

In 2007 I have earned my first $50 as a software engineer. By the way, I got my first money as a software engineer using JavaScript. I found this experience interesting and start to cooperate with local software engineering companies on a part-time basis.

In 2010 I have successfully graduated from university as an Electronics Engineer. By that time I have already had few years of commercial experience as a software engineer, and there was plenty of work, so I decided to continue my career as a software engineer.

My further career continued in international product and service companies. In 2013 I joined Cupid, in 2015 – SoftServe, in 2017 – Portside, and in 2019 I moved to the U.S. as a SoftServe Technical Leader.

Nowadays I keep working as a Technical Leader, lead my open-source projects, help other engineers as a mentor, conduct technical interviews, and don’t miss a chance to contribute to the IT industry when I see that I could help.

Do what you love, and get things done well – that’s my credo and best recommendation to anybody of you.