New book in My Library - Building Microservices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems by Sam Newman

In the beginning of March I’ve finished reading one of the books that I wanted to get a plenty of time - it is “Building Microservices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems” by Sam Newman.

I was going to share my feedback on it much earlier (all my time was taken by relocation to North Carolina), but today is The Day for doing it and I want to share some feedback about this reading and also give some recommendations to people whom are going to read it as well.

About the book.

It’s well-known that topic of microservices is very popular nowadays. I don’t find it surprising because microservices architecture provides lots of benefits when is done right way. I would highlight “done right way” from the previous phrase cause when microservices are done wrong way, they become nightmarish pain. As you, probably, already understood “Building Microservices” by Sam Newman is that book that will give you a sense what does it mean “done right way” in a context of microservices architecture. It’s also fair to say that from some prospective a book is not only about doing microservices “right” way, but definitely about not doing microservices “wrong” way. I find it very important cause software engineering is very young industry, and while we have too less “silver bullets”, we must learn on our mistakes - scenarios, when potentially good solutions did a bad job in real life.

Book “Building Microservices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems” is deservedly called one of the best books about microservices - it’s very well structured, laconic and simple to read. It works as all-in-one microservices manual, that covers all aspects of this not so straight-forward topic.

Personal interest.

My personal interest regarding this book was related to the fact that designing MSA (microservices architecture) is something that I do a lot as a part of my main job. I’ve had some practical experience in designing and development of 3 microservices platforms for different commercial organizations, but I really wanted to get my knowledge been systematized. This book did help me achieve my goal for 100%. Now I have much stronger theoretical justification on my practical experience, and also I’ve got pieces of my knowledge to be on a right shelves.


While microservices architecture is one of the most popular architecture styles nowadays, I think that this book is “must-read” thing for all software engineering leads and architects. Also I would not recommend to read it to the people who have just started their software engineering career cause they might just not have enough experience for leverage the most from this book.